... The night was cold, nestled in the homes of each family,
a hope reborn, the boy who is expected,
event is repeated, as it promises,
Sharing eat, drink, brightness and fantasy,
approach you want PEACE on Earth
goodwill, exchange of gifts, souvenirs that have
absent, present within the coming,
assembled on the day of the event,
table with parents, grandparents, and uncles,
many children, grandchildren as well,
some songs, the longest night, forgetfulness,
Queen tree, base lined with shiny boxes,
conversations without acumen, spontaneous laughter,
wanting innocent, open smiles,
distant wars, dark shadows,
continuous deaths, famines, and plots,
indigent protected, giving them blankets,
warm bed, different from the ground,
a corner of a street, in any portal,
stomach comforted, supper OPIP,
comfort now, the height of charity,
Christmas promises sweet time,
beautiful words, intentions that project,
a kiss, a hug, a speech, a mass,
it shines, it throws a message,
what they do, say, invent,
time to stop, think, carrion,
Messiah and Redeemer ... even now, here come !!!...
... Morning whitened by frost,
Green moved, covered by layer unexpected
at the window of my apartment, mimoseira bud,
perspectival times of distress, pollen is released,
pressure, printing, allergy to that bright yellow, very close,
cough that back, I compress the breast,
tobacco brand left, great defect,
cyclical repetition, distressing,
as resting in the World, which stopped
break normal, natural calm, but not changed,
the Wall, as always mourn
people of faith, Jews are compressed,
other walls rise, separating,
housing as they go killing
intolerance that is not withdrawn, remains,
riches, pomp, constant howling
parade of dead mobs,
poverty, famine, death, wounds,
blasting, terrors, fears for those who have them,
threat returns with the same haste,
fickle, forgotten words,
Destinations Palestinians without hating,
all owners, multiple weapons,
around the world, oil wicked
market that plays, which destroys, disrupts,
Recent killing innocent people,
dependent populations,
which disappear in a fleeting moment,
rabid, demented destroying ... Peace !!!...
... Tolerance strokes, turns a crucible,
portion of Christian worship, venerate,
that Child born in Bethlehem,
Messiah that augurs, so long, does not come,
eating foods, drinking wine,
modesty of homes, care that is expected,
normal families, huddled, laughing,
giving alms, which helps break down,
taken by the time spreading, outgoing,
wise word that ease, that you forget,
freezing weather, caramel cold night,
white paths, covered up stains,
wounds constant degrading situations,
variability that remains
installed in the madness, rather than rooted,
nuclear sown, raised purposes,
threat thinks, tries studied,
figures of power, almost unwillingly,
tightrope ... live or die !!!...
... Time of peace, a time of knowledge,
I smile when I think,
used in the worst sense, sophisticated weapons,
killing at a distance, no smell, no sound,
apparent in a game, that button is pressed,
World that oppresses,
which reduces, transforms feelings, contempt, pants,
beings how many more will be shattered
when you want, is studied, forest,
that we are puppets, part endowed
el dorado promising, wealth, luxury,
instead of abandoned,
litanies, prayers, beliefs,
range of bloodletting unleashed,
nojos, hatred, quarrels, arenas,
God on high ... or riddles !!!... Sherpas !!!...
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